Libro Digital La Rebelión de las regiones

Libro Digital La Rebelión de las regiones
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viernes, 1 de julio de 2022

Dr James Story, US Ambassador to Venezuela.

Dr James Story US Ambassador to Venezuela. Dr. Romain Nadal. Ambassador of France in Venezuela. We are honored to address you to thank you for the help and attention you provide in the search for a solution to the Venezuelan crisis. In honor of this task, we must tell you that not only the Unitary Platform (former Democratic Coordinator, more recently called the Broad Free Venezuela Front or also the G4 or group of four "majority parties" (?), represents the opposition, nor the efforts and options to solve the crisis. Also the Organized Civil Society, the Christian Church, small political parties and NGOs or movements of the province, like ours, the Rebellion of the regions we are all, we conceive serious, pertinent, and peaceful solution projects, based on the Political Order of Freedom, which represent models of federal states of decentralized power with parliamentary governments and democracies, which could solve it. We seriously believe that the identified Unitary Platform (with electoral political strategies, which do not even demand the total count of the electoral ballots, and insist on hackneyed conventional dialogues, has failed, because it still does not understand that the crisis is not only partisan political, but also civilista politician and that it comprehensively destroys the four components of the State of Venezuela: (A) Inhabitants: They have theoretical political rights that the President of the Republic violates, because the 1999 Constitution copies the constitutional authoritarianism of the Pact of the former Soviet Union of Stalin of 1936; This authoritarianism, the hunger it produces and the lack of a future it promotes, causes the exodus of Venezuelans, who flee by the millions. (B) Laws: Which are decorative, because they are not fulfilled. (C) Territory: Made up of 23 States and 335 municipalities that are the constitutional "property" of the President of the Republic, including the Mining Arc, which generates resources in addition to oil sufficient to keep loyal those who take advantage of its wealth, and seize to distribute crumbs to the people, circumvent the sanctions and finance the Sao Paulo Forum with the complicity of Cuba, Russia, China, Turkey and Iran, enemies of freedom and Western Civilization. ( (D) Government: with a President of the Republic with unlimited direct and indirect executive constitutional powers, which allow him to maintain the kidnapping of the other powers with the support of those who should prevent it. The Unitary Platform (with a rejection of 70%, and an electoral abstention intention that is between 70-90%) is in favor (like most of us) of peacefully replacing the regime, but they wish to perpetuate the cause structure that produces the crisis: the presidential government of the federal state of centralized power and the current Constitution that contains it. The Unitary Platform, and those who compose it, do not identify the structural origin of the crisis, do not propose a political solution project that excites the masses, does not ask Venezuelans what kind of country they want; They do not ask, because they do not want to certify what Venezuelans fervently yearn for, to organize and govern the country as a federal state with decentralized power with a different government and democracy, perhaps parliamentarians, analogous to those established in France, Germany and Italy, after of the Second World War, Spain after Franco and Poland after the fall of the Berlin wall; They do not want to hear that we do not want to perpetuate hyper-presidential centralism, nor its Constitution, much less return to the misnamed Fourth Republic; but, what we really bet on, is to put an end, peacefully, and with the understanding and help of the United States, France, Norway and the entire modern international community, to the backwardness and destruction caused by the perpetuation beyond its useful life of this disastrous model of a centralist state; eternalized in the colony and after independence in 26 Constitutions centralizing power, which have only allowed us to enjoy 20 years of peace and prosperity in the period that has elapsed with the development of the fixed point pact between the years 1958 to 1978. To contribute our proposal for a structural solution, we respectfully request that you consider inviting us to the conversations between the United States and France with the Unitary Platform, and that we be incorporated as representatives of the Organized Civil Society (composed, among others, of the Christian Church, Fedecamaras, Universities and Non-governmental organizations such as the Rebellion of the regions we are all), and also, to include in the political debate, other proposals such as the Refoundation suggested by the Catholic Church (XVII Plenary Episcopal Conference CEV-13-1-22).Thanking the attention. He subscribes to you... Sincerely.... Dr. Luis "Balo" Farias. 0414 7085357 Ing. Julio Belisario Mejía. 0424 531 4108 national coordination Ong, The Rebellion of the regions we are all

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